
Children have a great desire to feel importat

Children have a great desire to feel important, special and loved. At Garden of Angels School every student is supported, reinforced and praised as they discover who they are on the inside and outside. Our students are given permission to be themselves and provided a platform to develop and grow at their own pace.

Raising the standards of excellence through practice

Our Garden Faculty constantly raises the standards of excellence through practice. Our learning takes place in a very intimate and accountable environment that speaks clearly of principles and promotes a constant dialogue where practice is ongoing. Our Philosophy would not work in an environment without all of our unique elements present. It works here because special care and attention is the commitment of our faculty. We have a sovereign culture of honor. We believe that students deserve leadership that is interested in their capabilities and recognizes their brilliance.

Nurturing self-confidence

We support our students by nurturing their self-confidence and respecting their independence. We provide our students with tools that prepare them to solve potential situations and manage themselves powerfully, even when there is no one present to support them. Our Garden teaches students to self-navigate. Our students learn to become more tolerant, cooperative, creative and imaginative. They learn the limits of behavior regarding safety, health, respect of self and feelings of others. We increase our student’s ability to handle their emotions constructively. Our Faculty offers positive alternatives and well-practiced, balanced skills in communication. Our Garden also prepares each student to act boldly and responsibly in all of life’s many scenarios.

An intentional environment

Education is not just a transfer of information, but rather a presence of mind towards an intentional environment that sets high academic standards. Children require “practice environments” Traditional education often fails to prepare or allow students the time to learn, role-play, interact, express, communicate and relate to each other on a consistent basis. Our Garden presents opportunities to enjoy the process and enthusiastically practice, experiment, make mistakes and master what is both asked and required. In the public domain students, teachers and schools are considered successful if students score well on tests. The actual quality, comprehension and understanding of their knowledge and the way they communicate their moral and emotional feelings are vaguely considered. Garden students are not asked to solely reproduce information, but to individualize it. Life is like a box of tools and our students apply and practice using those tools everyday. This practice builds their confidence in managing their own application, thought process, ideas, emotions and creativity independently. How much genius is locked inside those who have rarely been afforded the opportunity to practice? We need schools that exemplify an extraordinary life, so that we can shape extraordinary students, that become influential human beings!

Action and knowledge

Without action, knowledge is dead and without the presence of knowledge comprehension cannot exist. If comprehension does not exist, it loses its ability to impact students in a meaningful way. Sadly, if comprehension is lost, so is the ability to transform the student experience. Students cannot afford to lose such a precious commodity. 

Acknowledgment and coaching

Acknowledgment and coaching are vital components and tools as our students develop their character, confidence and risk taking. Garden students have the support of both adults and peers. We acknowledge their accomplishments, problem-solving and courage as they move through fears. This support shapes the interior landscape of each student and provides them with powerful, life-serving strategies. Our students are certain of their value as leaders. They step into this role fiercely, graciously and with little resistance when it is complemented by clear boundaries, daily reinforcements, encouragement and praise. Students identify with their environment. Our Garden provides a safe, non-judgmental space where students can self-generate and be heard. This gives our school the privilege to transform how students develop, act and perform. Here at Garden, we preserve our students’ autonomy in a well-managed environment and the results are synonymous with their personal greatness.