Garden Philosophy

Rich, curious, vibrant, adventurous, generous, courageous, committed, whole and ever growing

Garden Philosophy

“Rich, curious, vibrant, adventurous, generous, courageous, committed, whole and ever growing” describes the Garden of Angels Philosophy.  Our core values fully encompass the spectrum of wisdom: Everything from science which investigates the facts and the principles of reality, to human nature, which is comprised of logic, ethics, aesthetics, physics and the theory of knowledge.

The Garden Philosophy is our own

Like any other school of thought that exists, we stand firmly on the principles and teachings of this Philosophy. The Garden Philosophy considers every part of a student’s life. We examine education as a “whole.” As educators at Garden, we look inside ourselves and work to embody “wholeness” in our own lives. This thinking requires conscious effort, but it’s worth it, as it inspires our students to embody and reflect the same. Wholistic education deeply challenges many of the assumptions society holds about teaching and learning, about the structure of the classroom, the role of educator and the need for tight control and common standards. Garden of Angels School practices complete exposure to “whole” education through an interactive, experiential, hands-on curriculum. Our approach stimulates growth intellectually, socially, emotionally, spiritually, creatively and physically.

The Garden Blend

The Garden Philosophy is a blend of different philosophies and elements of education that work to bring out the extraordinary in each student. We have invented and now implement our own Philosophical Strategies that make it uniquely “GARDEN.” We have watched this philosophy radically transform the way students, faculty and parents relate to one another, moving through their lives in a phenomenal way. Garden pursues and inspires master thinkers, leaders, communicators and human beings.

Grasping the Garden Philosophy

It is essential to us that our students and everyone involved with our school be able to grasp and apply the mechanics of our Garden Philosophy. As our faculty lays the groundwork for this ontology, our students are given permission to explore and research “the meaning of life” . . . their life . . . the parts and the “wholes” and we observe that learning begins to connect meaningfully. What happens is this very organic and electrifying cognizance that ignites and propels their capacity for knowledge forward. As their quest for knowledge escalates, they become more intimately familiar and believing of their own resources, and they demonstrate a quality of education that we call “purchase power”. A student’s “purchase power” expands the more they interact with our Philosophical Strategies. These exceptional strategies will carry our students boldly into their future. It is our ambition to challenge the limits of possibility and explore the unknown by endorsing a relatable curriculum that reflects the gold of a good, honest education.

The Garden Philosophy inspires individual mastery.

The Garden Philosophy promotes and shapes outstanding citizens rich in communication, with an educated nature, thirst for knowledge, profound conscience and commitment toward humanity. Our focus is to nurture, guide, encourage, educate and empower each student to be fully self-expressed. Garden generates students who love learning. We provide them with an education that is robust and alive, complemented by a Vision that invites each one of them to step into their own unique blueprint. Our Philosophy asks students to participate and practice our Four Learning Preferences by hands on activities. Our Four Learning Preferences include styles that consider each student as an individual. This is relevant because as they move into adulthood, they thrive and excel in their own learning preference style while also prepared and confident to step into the other learning preference styles.

This Multi-Dominant Approach

This Multi-Dominant Approach gives students an opportunity to design their lives fearlessly, by giving them the advantage of understanding their own learning preferences and the learning preferences of others. We understand in order to best prepare students for their future, they must be exposed to all of the expectations and standards the world is going to place on them. We as educators are acutely aware of our students’ needs, yet also very aware of the challenges and possibilities the world offers children, in this moment. We seek to liberate our students from this authoritarian system, by making certain students can operate powerfully in any situation, even if it is not the main body of our culture here at Garden. We give our students our “wholistic” theme-based, action-oriented education, while still teaching them to embrace the reality of contrasting beliefs. We prepare them to joyfully take on the mundane tasks of standard education and the requirements that accompany those standards. We have seen too many philosophies focus solely on one aspect of education and press against others; we will not do that. Students exposed to those limitations often experience breakdowns when they are placed into environments that ask them to step outside of their learning and feeling preferences. We will certainly promote a “Whole” Philosophy and remain mindful of all of the elements that create a well-rounded, well-practiced visionary. It is a huge disservice to students if they are not exposed to all of the criteria that governs our society. Garden does this while still maintaining an atmosphere that protects their personal identity, self-expression, learning preference, intuitive nature, imagination and capacity for critical thinking. We also teach our students to honor the diverse dreams and beliefs of others with grace and understanding.

The unexamined parts

We do not believe that any human being is common or standard. We are instead unique with our own gifts and callings. At Garden we foster the renaissance spirit in every student. We invite you and those touched by our community to turn over those untouched stones; to explore the unexamined parts of yourself that former education did not illuminate. Garden students will leave our school with the courage to live powerfully and make a difference in the world. The Garden of Angels School Philosophy develops World Changers and History Makers.