Financial Responsibilities

Financial Responsibilities
Garden of Angels is a year-round school. All students are required to attend full sessions. Tuition is based on an annual fee and can be broken down monthly to serve those parents who prefer that option. When you enroll, you are reserving the time, space, staffing and provisions for your child whether he/she attends or not. Garden of Angels School is based on a full calendar year and tuition includes all 12 months regardless of vacations or selected time-off. If you would like to provide other options for your child, remember your commitment will still be an annual tuition. There will be no exceptions.
Tuition Checks
Please make checks payable to Garden Of Angels School. For parental convenience, tuition may be paid using Curacubby and instructions will be sent via email upon enrollment. Tuition checks should be deposited into the tuition box in the office and made payable to “Garden of Angels School.” If paying tuition on a monthly basis, payments are due on the first day of each month. For parental convenience, tuition may be paid with a credit card through Curacubby.
A non-refundable wait list fee will reserve your child a place on our waiting list.
LATE PICK-UP FEE: $1 per minute
You may sign your child out any time before 5:00 p.m. You will be charged $1 per minute for every minute past 5:00 p.m. that you are late. The money is to be paid directly to the faculty member that is staying with your child. The school is officially closed at 5:00 p.m. Please be responsible in paying the fee without being asked by a faculty member at the time of pick-up. The school may terminate the enrollment of any child for continual late pick-up.
LATE TUITION FEE: $10 per day
A late fee of $10 per day will be charged for any tuition payment received after the 5th of the month. Your child may not attend school after the 10th of the month if his/her tuition has not been paid. Unless arrangements are made with the school director, your child may, at that time, lose their reserved space in Garden of Angels School. The same applies if you are on the quarterly or annual tuition plans.
There will be a $75.00 charge for any returned check. This charge is non-negotiable and there are no exceptions. If one check has bounced you will be required to pay by credit card, cash or cashier’s check.
In the event that we can accommodate your child for an extra day, the rate for that day will be $100.00. The Administration must clear this in advance. Please no drop-offs without prior arrangements.
There is a $500 fee to cover additional supplies, costuming for our bi-annual school performances, nap time sheets, earthquake kits and summer program activities.
COUNTRY CRAFT FAIR: (fee may vary depending on art pieces your child creates)
Come and join us at the Garden of Angels Country Craft Fair for food, music, art, handmade goods, and fun. Please contact our office if you would like to be a vendor at this awesome event. Thank you in advance for your participation. (See event calendar for specific date)
ALL SCHOOL ANNUAL AUCTION: (fee may vary, but typical cost is $130 per ticket)
This elegant event occurs every spring (please see the event calendar for specific date). All parents are required to purchase a minimum of 2 Family Auction Tickets to support this most important fundraiser. Please be ready to open up your check books and bid on one-of-a-kind items so Garden of Angels School may continue to flourish and grow. Tickets must be purchased by February 15th in order to organize the food and beverages properly. If a parent pays after this date, he/she may still attend the auction, but food will not be provided.
CAMP (The Annual All School Camp) FEE: $175
A $175 fee per student and $225 fee per adult will be charged for this outrageously fun pirate-themed camp. This fee includes the following: camp site, activities, supplies, t-shirt, scrumptious campsite cuisine and Positively Creative Pirate Camp Counselors. This overnight camp typically occurs the last part of June for 4 days. The camp fee is due by May 1st.